Ficus Benjamina "Danielle" 6 Major Care Tips

Ficus Benjamina

The original name in Latin is ficus benjamina “Danielle” and it is an extremely popular indoor plant. Even if you have never heard its name you are likely to recognize it on the pictures. It is vastly used for the interior design. You can find it in the family houses, offices, schools, hospitals etc. So what has made this shrub so common? How did it become so popular?

The luscious and glossy dark green leaves can freshen up any room. The plant care is extremely simple, will only take you a few minutes per day. Even if you work 9 to 5 you will still be able to easily maintain the plant in a good condition. Now you see why ficus is a great choice for the beginner gardener or for any working person in general. It is easy to buy this plant from any flower store. The young 30 cm long bushes in 12 cm pots are extremely common.

✔ We Released The Ficus Benjamina HandBook


Properties and Advantages

Ficus benjamina originates in India, Philippines and Malaysia where this evergreen tree can reach up to 30 meters. So it prefers warmer climate and moderate humidity. People love to grow this deciduous plant for a number of reasons such as:

  • It flourishes at a room temperature 15 to 22 C so you will not have to worry about it feeling too cold.
  • Both light shade and full sun work well for the ficusses. It is easy to find a good spot for your plant.
  • It grows really rapidly indoors and with proper care it can reach up to 4 meters.
  • The ficus benjamina also known as the weeping fig is an effective air disinfectant fighting pneumonia. It also cleans the atmosphere of toluene, xylene and formaldehyde.

So you can see that ficus cuidados (ficus care in Spanish) is fairly simple. There are no disadvantages to growing this plant besides it being mildly poisonous to the pets.

Tips and Tricks on Home Care

Want to know how to turn your small ficus bush into a tall tree? Follow these simple steps. Even a rookie gardener can handle the proper ficus benjamina care.

  1. Water is regularly. The easiest way to tell when your ficus needs watering is to check the soil. Moisturize the plant when the soil in the pot is completely dry.
  2. Keep the ficus inside and put it outside in the garden or patio when the weather allows.
  3. Make sure you have soft non calcareous water for regular watering. It does not like lime water.
  4. Spray the leaves during the hot summer days.
  5. If your ficus pot stands outside or next to the window make sure it won’t remain under the direct sunlight for too long. The leaves might get burned and start falling off.
  6. The leaves are toxic so there is a chance your pets get a mild poisoning from chewing the leaves. Symptoms may vary from diarrhea to vomiting; take an animal to the professional vet if needed. It is unlikely that the animals might try chewing on the ficus for a second time.
  7. Use a water soluble fertilizer. Compost is also good but it is not enough. The shrub needs light fertilization every few weeks during the summer but not in winter.

We really hope these simple tips will help you grow your small new ficus into a tall tree. If you have any further questions be sure to let us know.