Ficus Benjamina Exotica. A Few Growing Tips to Follow

Nowadays, one of the present varieties of new cultivars of today’s invention is usually referred to as ficus benjamina ‘Exotica’. Being a great option of an indoor plant for cool climate or outdoors on verandas and patios in areas free from frost, this evergreen tree-looking plant grows to one meter tall if planted into a pot.

✔ We Released The Ficus Benjamina HandBook


The tree’s color is green and it grows rather compactly. To its primer characteristics belong:
  • Suitable for pots
  • Part shade
  • Tolerates light frost
  • Indoors filtered light

Speaking about ficus benjamina growing tips, it must be noted: keep this plant indoors in well-lit places, keep used soil moist, and do not make it too wet. During winter days it must be drier. It is important to feed the plant regularly using liquid fertilizer.

These plants are referred to as fast growers, and can withstand any type of light and soil conditions.