Ficus Benjamina as a Houseplant: 6 Homecare Advices

Ficus Benjamina as a Houseplant

Ficus benjamina with all its varieties belongs to the mulberry plants family. There are roughly 800 to 2000 different ficusses growing on all continents in the tropical climate. Naturally they grow into huge trees up to 30 meters tall. Their stems merge together into bizarre natural works of art as their above ground root system can reach up to 300 meters circumference.

There are so many natural varieties that you can find tall trees, climbing plants or small shrubs ficusses in the wild. They make wonderful houseplants with their huge variety and rapid growth turning them into great shaping material. Now you need to pick out the ficus that is for you and grow it into a work of art. Let us go over the major smaller ficusses breeds and see which one of them gets the most sympathy from you.

✔ We Released The Ficus Benjamina HandBook


Which One Of The Numerous Ficus Breeds Is For You?

Ficusses make amazing bonsai trees. They are really good for the rookies and inexperienced gardeners. As they grow rapidly it will be easier for you to shape their stems. Plus they are very soft and can grow into each other easily. But remember that pruning and shaping trees is a very addictive hobby and once you create your first tree you will come up with more and more creative ideas.

The ficus microcarpa also known as the Chinese banyan or the green island is known for having small dark green pointless leaves. Most ficusses have oval leaves with pointed tips while this one has a distinctive peculiar look and makes for a beautiful small tree. It also has above ground roots like all the ficus trees.

Ginseng ficus has pointed leaves varying is size from 2 to 50 cm. The size will depend on how you prune it. Cut off two leaves for every new 6 to 8 to get lots of young smaller ones. But remember that this type is very poisonous to pets so you will have to isolate it.

Provide Your Shrub with the Proper Homecare

Follow this ficus benjamina care guide, the advices are simple and are easy to follow. Even if you are a rookie gardener you will easily handle your ever green shrub keeping it happy for the years to come.

  1. If you want to achieve the natural aerial root growth you have to achieve 100% humility. Use a glass cover or any other specialized construction.
  2. You can take your ficus out in summer. Ficusses are tolerant of low humility but make sure the temperatures do for fall below 15 C.
  3. Fertilize weekly during active growth period and once a month during winter but only if growing still continues.
  4. Let it grow freely for the first one or two years, after that you can perform trunk pruning. Perform regular leaf pruning to change the foliage size.
  5. Use wire for the thin to medium branches but check them regularly as the wire tends to cut into the rind. Use guy-wires for the trunk and larger branches.
  6. Repot your tree once in two years. Use the basic soil mixture. Perform root pruning as well.

Now you have the tree shaping routine explained and simplified. We really hope you have found the information useful. Come back to us for even more expert tips and advices and best of luck to you.