How to Pick the Best Ficus Benjamina Fertilizer?

Ficus Benjamina Fertilizer

So you have already had some gardening experience and now want to take your skills to the next level? How about growing a bonsai tree of your own? You know there are numerous clubs, societies and contests for the bonsai lovers as well as the numerous design ideas.

Ficus benjamina bonsai tree is widely used as an indoor plant. Its key features are strong above ground roots, multiple trunks and beautiful red berries. Read on to find out about the varieties, care tips and everything you need to know in order to grow an envy worth bonsai.

✔ We Released The Ficus Benjamina HandBook


Types of Ficusses

The whole ficus family has over 800 species starting with 30 m huge trees growing in the wild in India and Malaysia and up to the tiniest shrubs. Let us go over the most popular indoor ficusses. While ficus benjamina is extremely undemanding and easy to look after there is a huge bonsai ficus trees variety that requires lots of care, attention and proper fertilization. Growing a bonsai tree is a hobby and turning the little graft into a real beautiful bonsai requires a lot of dedication. But the end result is worth it as you get a plant to show off.

Another famous bonsai tree ficus is microcarpa aka Chinese banyan which is famous for its tiny round leaves. While traditional ficusses have pointed medium sized leaves this bonsai ficus breed has smaller rounder ones. Among all the types of the ficusses Chinese banyan aka the green island variation is the one famous for having round pointless leaves. 

Bonsai Ficus Trees Fertilization and Care

The bonsai tree grooming might seem to be a bit complicated at a first glance. But once you study through those simple steps the task will no longer seem to be as complex. Follow these simple rules and you cannot go wrong:

  • Unlike its larger counterparts this ficus needs to be moisturized often, keep the roots moist. The best is to use the humidity tray. This way you will save the roots from rooting.
  • Always use room temperature water, it must be soft. Never use lime water.
  • Pick the proper fertilizer. It can be liquid or soluble. Solid slow release fertilizer will also work. Use half the amount prescribed by the package, bonsai ficusses are sensitive and you can burn it with too much fertilizer.
  • Fertilize the soil weekly or once in two weeks during spring and summer active growth periods and nice in two to four weeks during autumn and winter.
  • Prune two leaves once 6 to 8 leaves have grown back. Use the cut paste for bigger wounds. Pruning helps make leaves smaller for the bonsai types that grow bigger leaves.
  • Apply to the specialized traders. Every home appliances store has a plant section but without proper care and selection those bonsai trees bring nothing but disappointment.
  • Repot the tree every other spring.
  • Full sun would be ideal for a bonsai tree. Use a special lamp and remember that cold temperatures and draughts might easily kill it.

Make sure to send us a picture of your bonsai tree once the job is done. We are certain you will have a bonsai tree to be proud of.