Agalonema Romano: Excellent Option for Home Decoration

types of Aglaonema

Aglaonema Romano is a slow grower. Known as one of the most widely used foliage plants, this amazing Chinese Evergreen first develops a root system, then sucker very heavily.

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As well as Aglaonema Cory, Romano plant is primarily grown in 8, 10 and 14-inch pots. Most garden centers can order this beautiful hardy plant from an indoor plant broker or wholesaler.

Most types of Aglaonema need a moderate level of care. When it comes to Romano, it is tolerant to humidity. The plant is difficult to plant during summer months.

It doesn’t like high humidity and performs well when it moves inside. Shaded spot is the best place for Romano.

Similar to Deborah and Rhapsody Green this gorgeous plant needs diffused natural light. If you are a fan of the green colored look, Romano is considered to be a good performer.