Hardy Gardenia Plant: Enjoy Fantastic White Blooms in Zones 7-10

gardenia white flower

While traditional gardenias are hardy in zone 9, cold hardy forms of gardenias can survive in zones 7 through 10. If your climate is far from being beneficial for tropical plants, you can still enjoy the bloom and heavenly fragrance of a hardy gardenia plant, if you take into account the following care tips.

Brief Gardenia Care Guide for Hardy Forms

Healthy environment for hardy gardenias suggests plenty of sunshine and rich acidic soil.
In dry climates plant gardenias in partial shade.
In places with much precipitation during fall and winter add organic matter and pumice when planting the shrub in spring to improve soil drainage.
Avoid the soil getting water-logged.

The most famous hardy forms that survive in cold weather (0-10f) are ‘Kleim’s Hardy’, ‘Chuck Hayes’ and ‘Frost Proof’.