How Can You Save Dracaena for Next Year?

Dracaena for Next Year

Last year I bought my first dracaena (indivisa). I bought it as a small tree in May. It spent the end of spring and the whole summer in our back garden. From the beginning I put dracaena to grow on the terrace, but the leaves went brown on edges, and my friend suggested I’d rather took it off the sunshine.

✔ We Released The Dracaena HandBook


In mid-September the temperature during the daytime was about 70F. I suppose, at night it was 60. One morning my dracaena was absolutely bald! I was astonished. I thought I had to part with it.

But afterwards I found out it lost its leaves because of cold, and I could fix it up if I took it inside.
I put it in our bedroom, and finally it showed 3 buds. In a month I had 2 small leaves. I don’t know if it was an ideal solution, but it worked for some extent.

I am not sure if I want it in the bedroom this winter though because of our dog. How can I maintain it? My indivisa is rather big by now.
I think I’ll put it into an empty guest room. I should be grateful for suggestions on how I can save dracaena for next year.