Healthy Adeniums

Healthy Adeniums

Only healthy adeniums can be beautiful. Before planting an adenium, find information about its possible diseases and pests.

To prevent pests you should check your plant attentively, especially when it has got many new shoots. At this time your adenium may be attacked by pests.

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The most widely spread are horn worm, spider mite, oleander caterpillar and mealy bugs. When I have pests on my adeniums, I use special sprays to fight them.

Adenium diseases are often connected with watering and fertilizing. Water your flower once per a few days, but don’t forget that it shouldn’t stay in a saucer with water. If a lot of water stays in the pot, root rotting may occur.

If your adenium looks unhealthy, even though it is watered properly, the problem may be in fertilizing. It is especially important for young adeniums. Use natural fertilizers for your plant.