Transplanting Areca Palm, or How to Mitigate The Owner’s Transplant Shock

Transplanting Areca Palm

It doesn’t really matter whether you are moving the plant from one place to another within your garden or getting a grown palm tree from a nursery. The steps will be the same in any case. If done under the right conditions, transplanting areca palm will result in little shock.

✔ We Released The Areca HandBook


The so called “transplant shock” is a series of stresses the plant may experience as soon as it was transplanted: new soil, new temperatures, new level of sunlight, humidity and other.

When you do the transplant, follow these steps. First of all, you have to determine the root-initiation zone. To find it, you’ll have to look for a "V" shaped section at the base of the trunk.

This “V” area must end up approximately 1 inch below the soil line. Otherwise, the palm will be planted too high and new roots won’t penetrate the soil deep enough. This may cause toppling of the genus in a storm.

Before transplanting, old foliage must be removed. Although some people remove all the leaves, we advise you not to do that. Leaving some leaves will contribute to regrowth. So that to prevent foliage damage, the fronds must be tied together before lifting. The specimen must be planted as soon as possible. If it can’t be done immediately, find a shady place for it and make sure the roots are moist.