Aloe and Medicine. Fantastic Healing Properties are Used by Science!

Aloe and Medicine

Aloe has always been used in medicine. Our grannies applied a piece of this plant to the affected area when they got sunburns or common burns, cut themselves or wanted to get rid of scars on the face. You can consider aloe to be less effective than ointments, but when you try the gel once and see how quickly it can heal wounds and burns, you will always use it.

✔ We Released The Aloe HandBook


If you grow aloe at home and the plant is 3 or more years old, just cut several leaves, fold in foil and place into a refrigerator. I always do so not to disturb the plant in winter.

It is important to use healthy leaves only. So, if you notice aloe pests that breed on your green friend, start the fight as quickly as possible.

Aloe and medicine walked hand by hand even in ancient times. I’ve read that this plant was used by Avicenna, Hypocrite and other prominent doctors of the past. I trust millennial secrets and recipes and will be glad to know that I am not alone.