Hibiscus Shrub: Uncovering the Blooming Potential

hibiscus schrubs

You have a young hibiscus shrub and are impatiently waiting for it to get covered in beautiful flowers? Or maybe your perennial tree does not feel good this year and does not bloom as much as it used to do? Many people have to face that issue. Even though you feel lost and slightly disappointed in yourself no need to put the blame on the lack of care. Let us go through the major issues and help your plant uncover its full potential.

Blooming Issues

So you feel like your hibiscus could be blooming more or maybe it is not blooming yet? Here we have some major issues that gardeners face and the solutions to them. Follow in our guidelines and your plant will explode with flowers.

  • Prune your hibiscus in the early spring by about a third. You will ensure there will be more buds to bloom. And if you have no idea how to prune a hibiscus? It is not hard. You prune once in the beginning of the active growth and then cut off the young branches periodically to help it grow more new branches and so produce more buds.
  • Get rid of all the pests. Prune the infected parts and use the proper insecticidal soap or other detergents.
  • Water it twice a week during the first year and then go for once a week. Provide it with about an inch of water during the try season to make sure the soil is well soaked through. Make sure not to pour in too much water.
  • Use a fertilizer on the regular basis. You can use the specialized bloom booster fertilizer as well. Make sure you pick the right fertilizers and do not go overboard.
  • Keep the plant in the pot in case you live in the cooler climate, this way you can always take it indoors and protect it from wind and cold temperatures.

Hibiscus Varieties

To classify all the existing varieties the two major types are a tropical and a hardy hibiscus. Other slight variations are the leaf shape, the petal size and color etc. The hardy hibiscus will be ok with half shade and a slightly cooler climate although the stem can die in winter as well.

Tropical ones will keep their leaves in winter and the hardy ones are deciduous meaning their leaves will fall off. Tropical ones are much smaller and bloom profoundly sometimes producing double blossoms. The deciduous blossoms are fewer but they last for much longer and the petals are bigger.

We collected the necessary information for you. Hope to see a picture of your lavish blooming hibiscus real soon though.