How to Fertilize Aloe Vera Correctly?

aloe soil

I bought my first aloe ten years ago. It was my single house plant at that time and I didn’t know how to take care of it. Several months passed and the plant started to pine. I went to the nearest store that sold everything for gardeners and florists and was much surprised to learn my mistakes.

✔ We Released The Aloe HandBook


I didn’t know how to fertilize aloe vera, was unaware about aloe pruning and even watered too often. These were the main reasons of my aloe dying.

Now I know that this plant should be fertilized correctly: the liquid is to be sprinkled onto the soil without touching green leaves as they can be damaged by chemicals. Nourish your aloe once in two weeks in autumn and spring.

Today, I am convinced that lighting and environment play an important role in development of the plant, and I advise you to pay more attention to your succulent.