Aglaonema as an Outside Delight

Aglaonema Outside

As a rule, Araceae plants are houseplants. Their stalks sense the amenity of the room temperature. You’ll notice it by the allure of petals and blooms. Albeit, it’s possible to grow it outside.

✔ We Released The Aglaonema HandBook


Spring and summer are impeccable times for the aglaonema outside relocation of the pot. As soon as the thermometer shows +14 C, that’s when you need to move this plant inside.

It’s because cold temperatures and winter will create problems. Once the plant feels uncomfortable, it’ll start to shrivel. Also, leaves and stalks may turn yellow or light/dark brown.

Aroideae diversifications tend to grow large enough to beautify any location. It will garnish the porch, loggia and balcony. Moreover, it can be transplanted to the garden. Yet, it can grow there during warm months only.

Places with partial or full shade are healthy for these types of plantae. It’s because of the gentle leaves that can singe from the open sun.